
The school parents love is now enrolling!

PK4 - 5th Grade

Get started now!

96% of Romero Academy parents are satisfied with their child’s education and would recommend our school to a friend.

Why choose Romero Academy?

Personalized learning

Every child has a customized plan with small group instruction, personalized technology, and meaningful assessments.

Safe community

Your child's safety is our priority. No family should ever be worried about sending their child to school.

Character development

Virtuous learning is at the center of everything we do. Your child will grow in the virtues of courage, justice, wisdom, and more.

Parent communication

Whether phone call, email, or in person, our teachers and staff love getting to know families and keeping you informed.

All this and more, at no cost to your family!

Through Ohio's Universal School Choice scholarships, your child can attend Romero Academy for free.

Contact us today to learn more and we'll guide you through the process.

Stay in touch

Our schools


3545 Clifton Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45220
(513) 301-1448


1740 Iliff Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45205
(513) 461-2044